Europe and International (2022)

Strong growth across markets and products.


The Europe and International region continued on its growth path during 2022 and maintained market leadership in more than half of the 37 countries in which it is actively present.

In 2022, Stallergenes Greer’s Europe and International operations achieved substantial performances with doubledigit sales growth, market share gains across the product portfolio, and the introduction of Orylmyte®/Actair®, the Group’s sublingual house dust mite allergen immunotherapy (AIT) tablet, in Europe.

To accompany our growth and geographic expansion, the Group significantly increased its sales force headcount in the region, notably in Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain.

Maintaining leading positions across our markets

In Germany, the largest AIT market worldwide, Stallergenes Greer became the fastest-growing company in the AIT space in terms of new patient initiations and sales value1. The German market is undergoing structural change subsequent to the Therapy Allergen Ordinance (TAO), announced in 2008 and which will end in 2026, which ensures that only registered and clinically proven allergen treatments will remain on the market. With the launch of Orylmyte®, Stallergenes Greer is currently one of the players to offer a fully registered evidence-based AIT portfolio for key allergens.

In Russia, our Staloral® mugwort study is finalised and registration submission is in preparation. Throughout the year, we made all efforts in countries affected by the geopolitical situation to ensure supply continuity for our patients.

In Italy and Spain, Stallergenes Greer gained market share in a slack environment. In North Africa, Staloral® obtained reimbursement in Tunisia, and in Morocco operations have restarted following the selection of a new distributor.

In Australia and South Korea, our house dust mite and grass AIT sales are on the rise following the launch of a new marketing campaign.


Helping healthcare professionals master the patient journey

With our portfolio of diagnostics, treatments and wider support programmes, Stallergenes Greer helps healthcare professionals make a meaningful difference by delivering optimal solutions and supporting them throughout the patient journey to improve the quality of life of allergy sufferers.

At Stallergenes Greer we believe that the AIT value proposition is to provide early onset of action, signifficant improvement of quality of life, and a carry-over effect after treatment cessation to modify the allergic disease progression. Our knowledge of AIT is supported by clinical trials, real-world evidence data and exploratory research. We favour precision and personalisation in AIT treatments adapted to the profile and needs of each patient in terms of flexibility and ease-of-use.


Expanding our geographic footprint

2022 was a year of geographic expansion for the Europe and International region with product launches and the restart of operations in several countries.

During the year, Stallergenes Greer made its first steps in the Croatian market with Actair®; relaunched its affiliate in The Netherlands with Oralair®, its tablet for grass allergies, and will soon introduce its house dust mite allergy tablet Actair®.

In the Nordics region, Stallergenes Greer obtained the positive outcome of the repeat use mutual recognition procedure (MRP) for its sublingual grass pollen allergen immunotherapy tablet. To date, national marketing authorisations have been granted in Norway and Sweden. Stallergenes Greer aims to market both its grass and house dust mite tablets in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Our grass tablet will be launched in Finland in the near future.

The Group continued to make progress towards entering the Chinese market, notably with regard to data generation for regulatory purposes. China, with a current AIT market value of over €100 million2, which is expected to reach more than €1 billion in 20303, represents a significant potential growth driver for Stallergenes Greer.

Orylmyte®/Actair® available in eight European countries

After receiving a positive decision in 2021 from the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (Germany), which acted as reference member state on behalf of 21 European countries, Stallergenes Greer’s house dust mite AIT tablet was already available in eight European countries in the Europe and International region at year-end 2022: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia.

Growing our talents

Because our people are the cornerstone of our success, we continued to develop agile ways of working to drive efficiency and impact. In 2022, in addition to existing initiatives such as mentoring, coaching, apprenticeship, and project development assignments, which contribute to talent development and retention, and to succession planning, we expanded our range of talent development tools with internally developed training programmes for sales representatives and their managers.

By accompanying our people, we aim to empower individuals to make a sustainable contribution to patients and the medical community while creating a competitive advantage for the Group.



1. IQVIA Insight Health, Based on New Patients (Produkt-naiv), YTD/10/2022; Net Sales, YTD/11/2022 -
2. EIU report on China AIT market status and potential -
3. AIT market forecast and Actair NPV analyses 2019- 2029