
Pollen allergies

Nicolas, living beyond pollen allergies

“My allergies started when I was a teenager. As soon as spring began, I suffered from hay fever. Sneezing, eye irritation, fatigue... it was a burden I had to bear daily for several months each year!

To treat my seasonal allergic rhinitis and relieve my symptoms, and as prescribed by my doctor, I took symptomatic treatment as soon as the pollen season began. I didn’t cease going outdoors and kept on living normally without too many constraints, however, I always took my tablets. The medication lessened the symptoms and anyhow I had been told that a person couldn’t be treated for multiple allergies.

And five years ago, I suddenly started to have stinging sensations in my throat when I ate apples. Then some time afterwards it was cherries – my lips would swell up as soon as I ate one.

That was a real catalyst! I realized that I was becoming allergic to more and more things and made an appointment with an allergist. The practitioner carried out tests that revealed that I was allergic to birch, grass and hazel. I began allergy immunotherapy treatment more than three years ago.”


Did you know?

Pollen is one of the most common triggers of seasonal allergies which stretch from spring to fall.

Individuals allergic to pollen experience symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, red and itchy eyes, headaches as well as itching of the palate, nose and ears. Pollens can also cause allergic asthma.

The prevalence and intensity of pollen allergy have increased steadily over the past decades and will continue to be a concern as climate changes bring more allergen sensitivity.1


1. World Allergy Week 2016 Pollen Allergies – Adapting to a Changing Climate Climate Change Worsens Allergies Globally

Last updated on: 17/04/2020

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