Science (2022)

Precision medicine is the focus of Stallergenes Greer’s strategy. We develop precise and personalised therapeutic solutions tailored to the individual profile and needs of each patient.



A high level of scientific expertise

We focus our efforts on allergen characterisation and on optimal approaches to deliver allergens to the immune system. Each allergen source contains several molecules which are recognised by the immune system as allergens and will trigger an allergic reaction.

Allergens are large, complex molecules. Working with large molecules requires a high level of scientific expertise and state-of-theart technologies to characterise and quantify allergens. Specific processes are required due to both the complexity of the molecules and their biological nature.

Clinical development and real-world studies

Stallergenes Greer has conducted many clinical studies, involving more than 9,000 patients, to provide evidence that our AIT treatments are both safe and effective, and to produce high-quality data for decision-making.

A real-world approach is also increasingly being used by Stallergenes Greer. The Group currently has five real-world studies underway: BREATH, EfficAPSI, CORAP, MaDo and Practis. To learn more, refer to the Social section of this report.

Focusing on precision medicine to advance personalised solutions

Stallergenes Greer boasts a longstanding expertise regarding the mechanism of action of AIT and has been intensifying the identification of biomarker candidates to predict and monitor the efficacy of the Group’s AIT treatments. We continue to work towards identifying the most relevant allergens for the treatment of allergies and partner with renowned academics in the field of respiratory allergies to characterise the molecular profiles of allergic patients.

Our research has allowed us to identify pro-allergenic cells, such as Th2A –T helper cells, that are involved in the production of IgE (immunoglobulin E, antibodies produced by the immune system when it reacts to certain substances) as a therapeutic target for AIT.

A collaborative approach to innovation

Stallergenes Greer leverages open innovation to continue to advance precision medicine for the benefit of patients and healthcare practitioners.

The Group recently entered into research collaborations with: Imperial College London, on the discovery of biomarkers of AIT efficacy; Alyatec, a contract research organisation based in Strasbourg University Hospital (France), on allergy pathophysiology and endotypes; and the Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF).